"Accountability refers to the mechanisms by which both law enforcement officers and the agencies they serve are held responsible for promoting social order, reducing crime, and treating each individual fairly and within the limits of the law. Accountability lies at the heart of citizen concerns regarding police discretion, use of force, and the internal hiring practices of those in law enforcement. It both defines and protects citizens’ rights while also promoting a collective sense of faith in the larger criminal justice system. In short, accountability serves as the public’s first line of defense against acts of misconduct that can, and often do, violate the rights of those whom law enforcement agents have sworn to serve and protect."
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This page was originally developed by Elaine Patton and John Powell.
Other Contributors:
First published: April 2024
Lone Star College-University Park • Student Learning Resource Center
20515 SH 249 • Building 12, 8th Floor • Houston, TX 77070
This work by Lone Star College-University Park Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.