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Assignment | Final Projects (McGinley): MLA Style

ARTS 1301 | Prof. Mike McGinley (Fall 2024)

Examples of Common Citations

Scholarly Article via Library Database

Reynolds, Daniel. “Rethinking Palestinian Iconoclasm.” Dumbarton Oaks Papers, vol. 71, 2017, pp. 1–64. JSTOR,

Parenthetical citation: (Daniel). (Daniel 34). (Daniel 45-6).


Roels, J., et al. “An Overview of State‐of‐the‐art Image Restoration in Electron Microscopy.” Journal of Microscopy, vol. 271, no. 3, Sept. 2018, pp. 239–254. Academic Search Complete,

Parenthetical citation: (Roels et al.). (Roels et al. 241).

Open Access Article via Google Scholar

Foster, Russell. “These Are Those That Faustus Most Desires: Identity, Iconography and ‘Europe’ in the Crimea Crisis.” JCER: Journal of Contemporary European Research, vol. 14, no. 4, 2018, pp. 310-323.

Parenthetical citation: (Foster). (Foster 314).

Easy Mode: Known Art & Artist, All Information Provided


Böcklin, Arnold. Self-Portrait with Death Playing the Fiddle. 1872, Alte Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin. Google Arts & Culture,

Parenthetical citation: (Böcklin)



Hopper, Edward. Nighthawks. 1942, Art Institute of Chicago. Prebles' Artforms, by Patrick Frank, 11th ed., Pearson, 2014.

Parenthetical citation: (Hopper)

Difficult Mode:
Photograph Reproduced on a Site, Missing & Muddled Information

Ruben's Fall of Damned as damaged by acid. 1959. FAH0122 - Iconoclasm & Iconophobia: Lecture 25: Museum Attacks, created by Eva Hoffman. Artifact, Tufts University, Photograph.

Explanation: We're not citing this as Ruben's painting, because our artifact is the photograph of the damage done to the painting. I chose not to italicize the photo name since it's a description rather than a proper title, even on the site itself. The year of the photo comes after. If you delete the unique parts of the url and go back to just, you can get better context for what this site is: Tufts University's art history website titled Artifact, which collects various lecture materials. That specific page said "By Hoffman" and I found the first name by going to Artifact home > Art department > People, where she was listed. The course/lecture information was mushed together. "Photograph" is added in the "bonus" slot at the end of the citation since it wasn't apparent previously what this citation was for.
In-text citation: (Ruben's Fall)

News from a Website

Rothstein, Edward. “Iconoclasm and Sacrilege.” New York Times, 9 June 2001,

Parenthetical Citation: (Rothstein)

Magazine from a Database

Jaroff, Leon, and Bruce Crumley. “Etched in Stone.” TIME Magazine, vol. 149, no. 22, June 1997, p. 66. Academic Search Complete,,cpid&custid=s1088435&db=mat&AN=9705306871&site=ehost-live.

Parenthetical citation: (Jaroff and Crumley 66)

In-Slide Citations

When you write a paper, you include in-text citations to show where and how you've used used your research.

Do the same thing...but on your slides.

Keep in mind that there's no official "citation style for slides" -- designing a readable and aesthetically-effective slidedeck often takes precedence over strictly adhering to the usual formatting rules. Just make sure your attributions clearly relate to the information on the slide!

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