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Plagiarism ( Interactive Option)

What counts, what it costs, and how to avoid it.

What is Plagiarism?

Graphic figure of a burglar running with a sack containing an icon with a lightbulb and speech bubblesBasic dictionary definition:

"to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use (another's production) without crediting the source"

Plagiarize (and plagiarism) comes from the Latin plagiarius “kidnapper.”


But what does that really look like in practical terms?

Examples of Plagiarism:

  1. Buying or using someone's else's paper to submit as your own.
  2. Incorrectly attributing or not giving attribution to the sources used in your assignment.
  3. Not marking direct quotations (with "quotes"!) to distinguish them from your own words.
  4. Completing someone else's work for them.
  5. Making up or faking a source of information.
  6. Submitting an assignment that someone else has majorly rewritten for you.
  7. Resubmitting a project written for another class unchanged (self-plagiarism).

Consequences of Plagiarism (& Other Acts of Academic Dishonesty) at Lone Star College:

The exact consequences will depend on your professor, and they will lay out their policy for handling plagiarism in the course syllabus. Possibilities include:

  • being assigned extra work
  • failing the assignment
  • failing the course*
  • being kicked out of the course or program*
  • being expelled from the college entirely*

*These are things which would appear on your transcript, which other schools and possibly future employers will be looking at.

Terms to Know

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