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Faculty Guide to the Library

Find out what the library can do to help you save time and connect your students to expert research guidance.

Place Course Materials on Reserve for Student Access

Faculty may submit course materials to go on reserve at the library for students to use throughout the semester.

Place personally-owned or college-owned books, videos, articles, and other materials on reserve for your students at any LSC library.

Note: the library does not purchase copies of textbooks for the reserve collection. If you don't have a spare copy, please talk to your department chair about purchasing copies for the reserve collection.

Textbooks cannot be labeled "for instructor use only" or similar.

Currently On Reserve:

Copyright Considerations

The following uses of copyrighted materials are not permissible according to Fair Use Guidelines, unless permission is gained from the copyright holder. Each instructor is responsible for obtaining copyright permission as necessary.

  • Photocopies of the same magazines, journals, articles, book chapter for more than one course for more than one semester. 
  • Photocopies of workbooks, standardized tests, exercise, and answer sheets.
  • Photocopies of a collection of articles on the same subject forming a course packet.

Items Available To Employees Only

ZTE Spro2 pico projector The ZTE Spro 2 is a portable pico-projector with integrated Android tablet interface that allows you to project content from apps installed to the device. Available for 6 hour checkout.


iPad Pro, with keyboard case and Pencil

An iPad Pro with keyboard case and Pencil accessory is available. Available for 2 day checkout.




ClickersWe have TurningPoint clicker sets available for one-time or semester-long checkout. Poll your students using the remotes and questions integrated into your PowerPoint or other presentations.

(Note: these are polling/response clickers -- they cannot be used to remotely advance PowerPoint slides.)



Laptop cartA laptop cart is available for checkout for your class period(s) if you're unable to book a regular computer lab. The cart has 20 laptops (in the expectation that some students will have their own handy). To reserve a cart, please contact the front desk at