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Faculty Guide to the Library

Find out what the library can do to help you save time and connect your students to expert research guidance.

Add a Librarian to D2L

Want to include a librarian in your D2L classrooms? Your students will be able to reach their librarian easily through D2L when they have questions about research as a minimum; we can also participate in discussion board conversations or get even more involved in providing formative feedback to students for midway assignments like rough drafts or annotated bibliographies to steer them towards the right sources before they're submitting their final papers.


1. Click into a course section to which you want to add a librarian.

2. Click "VTAC Support" in the tool bar.

Click VTAC Support - far right option in the navigation bar in D2L.

 3. Under Self Service: User Access, click "Add a User to Your Section."

Under Self-Service, User Access, click "add a user to your section"

4. Complete the short form to authorize the addition. For guidance on choose a role, see notes below.

Select semester, then course. Choose a role. Enter user ID (get it from your librarian). Submit.

5. Finally, click "Submit" and LSC-Online will take care of the rest!
You'll receive a confirmation email when they're done, but we don't, so it'd be much appreciated if you could gives us a head's up once we've gotten access.

6. Repeat for other sections.

D2L Roles Comparison

Selecting the Access Level:

We recommend choosing the Faculty or the Teaching Assistant roles:

D2L Roles Comparison

Abilities Observer Scribe/
Advisor LSP1 Tutor Teaching Assistant Faculty
View published course content
Access class before term start            
View abilities are limited by release conditions by default          
View grades & learning progress      
Post news announcements          
Add content to existing modules        
Reply to existing discussion boards        

Create new modules

Create new discussion boards and topics            
View assignment submissions            
Create new gradebook items            

We do not recommend any other roles (Observer, Advisor, LSP, etc), as we will be overly limited in how we can participate in your class. The Observer role, for example, doesn't even allow replying to a discussion board! If that's all you want, we advise just adding in some of the pre-prepared library resources instead of a librarian.