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Assignment | MagicTouch Kiosk Displays (Truax): Secondary

HUMA | Prof. Katie Truax (Spring 2023)

E-Book Collections

Books can be a good place to learn more about your topic when you're just starting your research, or they can be a place to delve deeper -- sometimes the same book can do both!

Yes, they're longer than articles, but reading for research means you're not trying to dodge spoilers. While you don't want to take anything out of context... you're also going to dip in and out, not sit down and read it straight through, most likely. (E-books make this even easier to do with 'search inside' features and hyperlinked tables of contents.)

Article Collections from the Library

The databases can be a little pickier in what search terms you need to use (compared to a Google search), and how you connect them to each other. Be prepared to experiment!


Find More Databases

Even More Databases:

Consider which disciplines apply to your specific topic when choosing your databases.

DatabasesResearch Databases (Main Page)

Databases (A-Z List)

Accessing the Databases

Access online library materials through the library databases!

To access the databases locked icon (same icon that displays by the LSC-limited access resources) from off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your LSC email/password or your 14-digit library barcode.

Database Tips

Full Text: not seeing where to read an article? Check your filters for a full-text limiter.
Advanced search: AND = less results, more specific. Example: stress AND college students AND finals
Advanced search: NOT = less results, but not as few as AND. Example, school NOT public.
Advanced Search: OR = more results. Example: college OR university.

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