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Money for College: Scholarships, Grants, & More

This guide will point you towards available scholarship and other opportunities to get money while in college.


The LSC-University Park Department of Art awards two Art Scholarships: one for Studio Art and one for Art History.

To qualify for either scholarship, students must:

  • Have a college GPA of 2.0 or higher (high school GPA may be used for first time college students).
  • Be enrolled in at least 1 LSC-UP art class: studio or art history (not art appreciation) for the duration of the scholarship.
  • Be enrolled in 3 or more additional credit hours of college level classes.

Students will have to also submit a portfolio sample and other materials (Studio Art) or a research paper on an art historical topic (Art History).


The LSC-University Park Department of Drama awards two Art Scholarships: one for performance and one for design/technical.

To qualify for either scholarship, students must:

  • Have a college GPA of 2.0 or higher
  • Be a high school graduate or have a GED
  • Be enrolled in Theatre Practicum (DRAM 1120/1121/2120/2121) at LSC-University Park during the semester of the scholarship award.

Students will have to also perform a monologue and 32 bars of a song from musical theatre (performance) or present a portfolio (theatre tech).


The LSC-University Park Department of Music awards three music scholarships: Music Scholar, Vocal Scholar, and Instrumental Scholar.

Music scholarships are available to well-qualified LSC-University Park students who meet these criteria:

  • High school graduate or GED (dual credit students are ineligible)
  • College GPA of 2.0 or higher (high school GPA may be used for new students)
  • Must be enrolled at LSC-University Park in music theory (MUSI 1311/1312/2311/2312), ear training & sight singing (MUSI 1116/1117/2116/2117), majors’ voice or instrumental lessons (MUAP x2xx), or a performance ensemble (MUEN) during the semester of the scholarship award.

Students will also be required to audition in person or by video submission.