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Money for College: Scholarships, Grants, & More

This guide will point you towards available scholarship and other opportunities to get money while in college.

Apply for LSC Scholarships

Fall Application Deadline - April 1
Spring Application Deadline - October 1


This one application will put you in the pool for the multitude of scholarships available for LSC and LSC-University Park students. Nice, huh?

Answering the Application Questions

  1. Background: Please tell us a little about yourself. Include family background, previous education, hobbies, interests, etc.
  2. Personal Achievement. What one accomplishment are you most proud of (personal or academic) and why?
  3. Why have you chosen this Field of Specialization or Major? What influenced you in selecting your intended major of study and what goal(s) have you set for the future?
  4. Random Topic. What makes you stand out from every other scholarship applicant?


There's no minimum length, but you should aim for writing about a paragraph to answer each of these. Just 1-2 sentences isn't enough give the reviewers a clear view of you as a scholarship candidate, which is the whole goal of this section.


  • Question 1: No matter how important they are to you, make sure you don't only talk about your family members to the point where we know more about them than you. You want to talk about yourself here!
  • Question 2: Take some time to brag. Be specific about  WHY this is an accomplishment for you. It's not so much what the accomplishment is as how you explain it. A one-sentence answer "I'm proud of the time I won a gold medal in Olympic coin-flipping" is leaving a lot of room for guesswork, no matter how grand the achievement was.
  • Question 3: Mention what your field of study is -- the reviewers of these free responses can't see your application to know what your major is. Answer all the questions: what influenced you to choose your major + what are your future goals? Try to be as specific as you can.
  • Question 4: Think creatively. Don't presume you know what other candidates have been through and put them down while puffing yourself up.

Take some time to work on your answers. Try drafting them in a Word document to copy/paste over to the actual application. You can even consult the Writing & Reading Hotspot coaches!

Chancellor's Essay Contest

Photos of scholarship winners


Lone Star College invites all students enrolled at LSC to enter the Lone Star College Foundation’s student essay contest. The theme of the essay is “How my Lone Star College experience has influenced my life.” Essays will be evaluated for expressive writing style, grammar, form, and emotional impact.

Student Eligibility:

1. You must be enrolled full time (minimum of 12 credit hours) for Fall and Spring in credit classes, or hours required by your Health Occupations program. Of the minimum 12 credit hours required, a minimum of 6 must be taken at the chosen campus.

2. Have successfully earned your high school diploma or GED certification

3. Apply at one of the following college locations that you consider to be your “home” campus:
• LSC-CyFair 
• LSC-Houston North 
• LSC-Kingwood
• LSC-Montgomery
• LSC-North Harris 
• LSC-Online
• LSC-Tomball 
• LSC-University Park

4. You must be working toward your first credential or degree.

5. Must meet Satisfactory Academic Policy.

6. A prior winner cannot win again. 

Essay Guidelines:

Please submit the following HERE. 

  • Name
  • Contact Information
  • Student Picture
  • Model Release Form 
  • Essay (not to exceed two (2) typed pages, properly formatted and double-spaced)
  • Essays will be evaluated for expressive writing style, grammar, form and emotional impact

Need Help?  

Get help with your essay submission from a LSC- Tomball Extended Learning Center 

Contest deadline: November 10, 2023

Writing & Reading Hotspot

The Writing & Reading Hotspot is available for in-person walk-ins.

Is the writing coach in? Today's hours:


Questions? Email