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ReadUP is a campus common read program. Each year a book is chosen for the LSC-UP community to read and participate in related events.

The Books

2025 - To Be Announced



Disability Visibility:  First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century


Youth to Power


Team Human


What the Eyes Don't See


Educated: A Memoir


The ReadUP! Mission

ReadUP! is the campus read program centered around a single book that strives to challenge students, staff, and faculty to think critically and engage in thoughtful discussion throughout the academic year.

ReadUP! is designed to encourage all members of the campus community to participate in an interdisciplinary campus-wide collaboration that develops the relationship between academic learning and campus and community involvement. The book will be a part of academic instruction in multiple disciplines, the focal point for campus events and discussions, and serve to create civic engagement opportunities beyond the borders of the classroom and campus.

Link to this guide:


  • Establish a culture of reading throughout the LSC-UP community and invite students to cultivate their capacity for lifelong learning by considering a common text from a variety of different perspectives.
  • Create a common experience that increases awareness and engagement in cultural, civic, and current issues.
  • Integrate an academic and social experience into the campus and local communities by encouraging students to consider the world around them through reflection and dialogue.
  • Build community involvement by engaging students in outreach activities with faculty, staff, and community members.

The ReadUP Committee

Chair: Jamie Stoops

Committee Members:

  • Carlos Chang-Michel
  • Danielle Guerra
  • Rhonda Joseph-Jackson Garcia
  • Maria Federico Okai
  • Jessica Mercado
  • Sheila Patel
  • Elaine Patton
  • Frank Rodriguez
  • Roger Rodriguez
  • Nicole Stalnaker
  • Madhulika Tandon
  • Christopher Thompson
  • Katie Truax
  • Vanessa Voss
  • Amy Young

2024-2025 Faculty Fellows: Pam Auburn & Jennifer Lundberg

ReadUP Founder: Kristie Boston

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