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Faculty Guide to the Library

Find out what the library can do to help you save time and connect your students to expert research guidance.

What would you like to do?

PowerNotes: Clip, Save, Organize

PowerNotes is a research manager that works on anything you can open in your browser.

Save and organize quotes as you research so you've got an outline ready to go. The built-in citation tool can export a bibliography.

Get Started with PowerNotes


All of our librarians have Master's degrees in Library Science: we're experts on conducting research efficiently and locating information, whether it's through our online databases or the wilds of the internet! 

74% of freshman students struggle with creating effective searches.Librarians can help your students:

  • Reduce their anxiety about a research project
  • Narrow down a topic
  • Form a research question
  • Locate reputable, credible, scholarly sources
  • Evaluate information
  • Use the databases to locate scholarly articles & other materials
  • Write citations
  • and more - just talk to us!

Project Information Literacy infographic snippet "74%" statistic taken from the Dec. 2013 PIL report "How Freshmen Conduct Course Research Once They Enter College" (pdf)

Learn more about Project Information Literacy and its findings about early adult research habits at