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Chicago Style (17th ed.): Notes-Bibliography

Guide to formatting and citing using the notes-bibliography format for Chicago Style, 17th. ed.

Scholarly Articles from an Online Database

Full Note:

1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, "Article Title," Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): page #, Name of Database OR URL of journal article web page.

Concise Note:

2. Author Surname, "Article Title," page #.


Author Surname, First Name or Initial. "Article Title." Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Page range of article. Name of Database OR URL of journal article web page.

Example 1: Database

Full Note:

1.  Valerie Bunce, "Rethinking Recent Democratization: Lessons from the Postcommunist Experience," World Politics 55, no. 2 (2003): 168, Project MUSE.

Concise Note:

2.  Bunce, "Rethinking Recent Democratization," 172.


Bunce, Valerie. "Rethinking Recent Democratization: Lessons from the Postcommunist Experience." World Politics 55, no. 2 (2003): 167-192. Project MUSE.

Example 2: DOI

Full Note:

1. Kenneth Aitchison, "After the Gold Rush: Global Archeology in 2009," World Archeology 41, no. 4 (2009): 670,

Concise Note:

2.  Aitchison, "After the Gold Rush," 661.


Aitchison, Kenneth. "After the Gold Rush: Global Archeology in 2009." World Archeology 41, no. 4 (2009): 659-671.

Example 3: Website

Full Note:

1. Bernard Testa and Lamont B. Kier, "Emergence and Dissolvence in the Self-Organisation of Complex Systems," Entropy 2, no. 1 (2000): 17,

Concise Note:

2.  Testa and Kier, "Emergence and Dissolvence," 17.


Testa, Bernard, and Lamont B. Kier. "Emergence and Dissolvence in the Self-Organisation of Complex Systems." Entropy 2, no. 1 (2000): 1-25.

Website Articles

Websites can often be limited to notes. If not using notes, a bibliographic entry may be included, cited by the owner or sponsor of the site.

Full Note:

1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, "Title of Page," Title or Owner of Site, date last modified or accessed, URL.

Concise Note:

2. Author Surname, "Title of Page."


Author Surname, First Name or Initials. "Title of Page." Title or Owner of Site. Date last modified or accessed. URL.

Example 1 (with access date)

Full Note:

1. K. A. Johnson and J. A. Becker, "The Whole Brain Atlas," Harvard University Medical School, accessed April 29, 2011,

Concise Note:

2. Johnson and Becker, "The Whole Brain Atlas."


Johnson, K. A., and J. A. Becker. "The Whole Brain Atlas." Harvard University Medical School. Accessed April 29, 2011. 

Example 2 (with publication date)

Full Note:

1. Alan Henry, "Why We Get Brain Freezes," Lifehacker, June 11, 2016,

Concise Note:

2. Henry, "Brain Freezes."


Henry, Alan. "Why We Get Brain Freezes." Lifehacker. June 11, 2016.

Full Note:

1. "Apps for Office Sample Pack," Office Dev Center, Microsoft Coporation, updated October 20, 2015,

Concise Note:

2.  "Apps for Office."


Microsoft Corporation. "Apps for Office Sample Pack." Office Dev Center. Updated October 20, 2015.

Full Note:

1. "Diabetes Myths," American Diabetes Association, last modified July 5, 2017,

Concise Note:

2.  "Diabetes Myths."


American Diabetes Association. "Diabetes Myths." Last modified July 5, 2017.

Magazine Articles

Full Note:

1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, "Article Title," Magazine Title, Month Day, Year, page # OR URL/location.

Concise Note:

2. Author Surname, "Article Title," page #.


Author Surname, First Name or Initial. "Article Title." Magazine Title, Month Day, Year. URL/location.


Full Note:

1. Scott Borchert, "The Rich, Weird, and Frustrating World of Depression-Era Travel Guides," The Atlantic, June 22, 2021,

Concise Note:

2. Borchert, "Travel Guides."


Borchert, Scott. "The Rich, Weird, and Frustrating World of Depression-Era Travel Guides." The Atlantic, June 22, 2021.

Library Database

Full Note:

1. Joan Acocella, "Art Made Flesh," The New Yorker, 97, no. 13 (May 24, 2021): 62,,cpid&custid=s1088435&db=a9h&AN=150315830&site=ehost-live.

Concise Note:

2. Acocella, "Art Made Flesh," 65.


Acocella, Joan. “Art Made Flesh.” The New Yorker 97, no. 13 (May 24, 2021): 60–67.,cpid&custid=s1088435&db=a9h&AN=150315830&site=ehost-live.

Full Note:

1. Carol Ezzell, "Care for a Dying Continent," Scientific American, May 2000, 32. 

Concise Note:

2. Ezzell, "Care for a Dying Continent," 32.


Ezzell, Carol. "Care for a Dying Continent." Scientific American, May 2000.

Newspaper Articles

Full Note:

1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, "Article Title," Newspaper Title, Month Day, Year, page # OR URL/location.

Concise Note:

2. Author Surname, "Article Title."


Author Surname, First Name or Initial. "Article Title." Newspaper Title, Month Day, Year. URL or Database Name.

Full Note:

1. Alessandra Stanley, “‘Mad Men’ Strains to Stay as Button-Down as Ever,” New York Times, August 13, 2009,

Concise Note:

2. Stanley, "'Mad Men.'"


Stanley, Alessandra. “‘Mad Men’ Strains to Stay as Button-Down as Ever.” New York Times, August 13, 2009.

Full Note:

1. Laurie Goodstein and William Glaberson, "The Well-Marked Roads to Homicidal Rage," New York Times, April 10, 2000, national edition, sec. 1. 

Concise Note:

2. Goodstein and Glaberson, "The Well-Marked Roads."


Goodstein, Laurie, and William Glaberson. "The Well-Marked Roads to Homicidal Rage." New York Times, April 10, 2000, national edition, sec. 1.

Interviews (Written)

Full Note:

1. Interviewee First Name Surname, "Title of Interview Article," interview by Interviewer Name, Publication Title, issue# (date): page#, url/database.

Concise Note:

2. Interviewee Surname, "Short Title," interview, page#.


Interviewee Surname, First Name. "Title of Interview Article." By Interviewer Name. Publication Title, issue# (date): page range. url/database.

Full Note:

1. Lydia Davis, "The Art of Fiction No. 227," interview by Andrea Aguilar and Johanne Fronth-Nygren, Paris Review, no. 212 (Spring 2015): 172, EBSCOhost.

Concise Note:

2. Davis, "Art of Fiction," interview,  173.


Davis, Lydia. "The Art of Fiction No. 227." By Andrea Aguilar and Johanne Fronth-Nygren. Paris Review, no. 212 (Spring 2015): 170-178. EBSCOhost.

Full Note:

1. Raymond Bellour, "Alternation, Segmentation, Hypnosis: Interview with Raymond Bellour," interview by Janet Bergstrom, Camera Obscura, nos. 3-4 (Summer 1979): 90.

Concise Note:

2. Bellour, "Alternation," interview,  91.


Bellour, Raymond. "Alternation, Segmentation, Hypnosis: Interview with Raymond Bellour." By Janet Bergstrom. Camera Obscura, nos. 3-4 (Summer 1979): 89-94.