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#Social Work

To provide students with resources in the field of Social Work and LSC-University Park.

Get to Know Social Work Basics

Social work emerged as a profession out of the early efforts of churches and philanthropic groups to relieve the effects of poverty, to bring the comforts of religion to the poor, to promote temperance and encourage thrift, to care for children, the sick, and the aged, and to correct the delinquent.

-The Columbia EncyclopediaRequires LSC login to access

Credo Logo

Credo is an easy-to-use tool for starting research. Includes materials from over 650 reference books on a variety of topics in higher education, including art, business, history, languages, literature, science, criminal justice, and political science. 

Topics in Social Justice

This list is just is a sampling of sources that are under the Social Work umbrella. 

  • Addiction
  • Affordable Care Act
  • Aging
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Conversion Therapy
  • Early Intervention programs
  • Foster Care
  • Gender pay gap
  • Grief Counseling
  • Group Care
  • Human Trafficking
  • Informal economy
  • Interracial adoption
  • Intimate partner violence 
  • Juvenile justice system
  • Mental illness
  • Mentoring program
  • Nutrition assistance programs
  • People experiencing homelessness
  • People with disabilities
  • Resilence
  • Restorative community programs
  • Sexual assault; Sexual harassment
  • Social justice
  • Substance abuse 
  • Suicide
  • Veterans
  • Welfare reform 

For more related search terms click on the picture to search: "Social Work" in the Gale in Context database Opposing Viewpoints "Topic Finder."Requires LSC login to access

Image provides link to graphic to find search terms related social work in our Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints databse

How it Works: This tool takes the titles, subjects, and approximately the first 100 words from a subset of your top results and feeds them into an algorithm. Keywords shown in the graphics are those found most often in the text with your search term.