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Assignment | Political Typology Beyond Red vs. Blue (Plank): Getting Started

GOVT 2305 | Prof. Matt Plank (Spring 2025)

The Assignment (Research Portion)

Your Goals

  • 5 pages total, minimum : 3 pages for your reflection + 2+ pages of researched analysis + Works Cited
  • MLA citations - 3 sources minimum
  • Copy of your own political typology report (first page only)
    • Discuss: pick 6 issues and explain how they connect to you -- this is your reflection.
  • Assign a current politician of your choosing to a Pew political typology.
    • Give at least 5-6 examples from their careers to justify that type.

Read More About the Types


Pro-Tip! Research Tip!

These typology labels aren't universal. Focus your research on your selected politicians as liberal/progressive or conservative, and then make the connection to the above typology yourself. 

  1. What are the key facets (characteristics) of each type?
  2. What broader issues relate to those facets? (Environment? Crime?)
  3. How does your politician tend to vote on those key issues? 
    1. This is where you're going to have research a little more broadly on their leanings.
  4. Now, connect that stance on those issues back to one of the eight types. Your paper will revolve around justifying the connection you've made.

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