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Citations: Other Styles

This guide will provide an introduction to the more obscure styles that occassionally get used on our campus. Currently covers: ASA, APSA, and IEEE.

Fast Facts

ASA logo ASA Style is governed by the American Sociological Association, a professional society for sociology.

ASA manuscript overview: title page, optional abstract, document, references

Document Set-Up

  • Double-space
  • 1.25" margins
  • Arial
  • size 12 font

In-Text Citations

Words words words (Blagrove 2006:67)

... according to Blagrove (2006:67).

There are no spaces between year, the colon, and page number.

General Rules for Citations

  • Use N.d. to indicate no date is available.
  • Include first and last names for authors. When you have more than one author, only the first author's name is inverted (i.e.  Stark, Howard, Tony Stark, and Bruce Banner).

Scholarly Journal Article from an Online Database

Article Has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Author(s). date. "Title of Article." Name of Journal vol #(issue #): page range. DOI if available.

Articles Lacks a DOI

Author(s). date. "Title of Article." Name of Journal vol #(issue #): page range. Retrieved date (url - permalink/stable url).

Article Has a DOI

Blagrove, Mark, Christopher C. French, and Gareth Jones. 2006. "Probabilistic Reasoning, Affirmative Bias and Belief in Precognitive Dreams." Applied Cognitive Psychology 20(1), 65-83. doi: 10.1002/acp.1165.

Shifman, Lipor. 2013. "Memes in a Digital World: Reconciling with a Conceptual Troublemaker." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 18(3): 362-377. doi: 10.1111/jcc4.12013.

Articles Lacks a DOI

Dynel, Marta. 2016. "'I Has Seen Image Macros!': Advice Animal Memes as Visual-Verbal Jokes." International Journal of Communication 10: 660-688. Retrieved November 15, 2018 (,cpid&custid=s1088435&db=ufh&AN=127361638&site=ehost-live).


Author(s). Date. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher. Retrieved Mon. DD, YYYY (url - permalink, stable url, doi).

Milam, Erika L. 2010. Looking for a Few Good Males: Female Choice in Evolutionary Biology. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Retrieved Nov. 15, 2018 (


Author. YYYY. "Title of Source." City, State: Publisher. Retrieved Month DD, YYYY (http://URL).

Markman, Art. 2018. "Does Reading Fiction Really Improve Your Social Ability?" Psychology Today. Retrieved November 19, 2018 (

Examples from the style guide (p. 84):

American Sociological Association. 2006. "Status Committees." Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Retrieved July 11, 2010 (

IBM. 2009. "2009 Annual Report." Retrieved July 25, 2014 (