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Citations: Other Styles

This guide will provide an introduction to the more obscure styles that occassionally get used on our campus. Currently covers: ASA, APSA, and IEEE.

Fast Facts

APSA logo
 APSA Style is a modified version of the Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed.; author-date variation) developed by the American Political Science Association.

APSA manuscript: title page is unnumbered. Title of Paper, skip a few lines, then write author name, instution, address, email. Acknowldgements go at the very bottonm. Page is the abstract (summary), no more than 150 words. The final page of your manuscript is the bibliography.

Document Set-Up

  • Double-space
  • 1.5" margins
  • size 11 font, minimum
  • Serifed font like Times New Roman or Garamond (no Calibri, Arial, etc)

References and In-Text Citations

Use author-date information for an in-text citation, e.g. (Bailey 1987) or (Smith 1975, 135) or "... " according to Smith (1975, 189). No comma is placed between author and year. Page numbers should not use a p/pp/pg prefix.

Journal Article from an Online Database

Author. Year. "Title of Article." Journal Title, vol. # (issue #). URL/permalink (Access date).

Bogaards, Matthijs. 2010. "Measures of Democratization: From Degree to Type to War." Political Research Quarterly 63 (2). (Accessed October 29, 2018).

Example from the style manual (p. 26):

Browning, Tonya. 1997. "Embedded Visuals: Student Design in Web Spaces." Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments 3 (1). (Accessed October 21, 1997).


Author(s). YYYY. "Title of Article." Title of Complete Work. Month DD. URL (access date).


Description from the Style Manual:

To cite text or data files that may be viewed or downloaded online through the web, give as much of the following information as is known:

  • author’s name,
  • document date (year),
  • title of the work in quotation marks,
  • the title of the complete work if applicable in italics (for example, a full book title if you are citing a chapter),
  • any additional date information provided (month and day),
  • URL (Uniform Resource Locator or address) including full path needed to access the document.
    • URLs that are too long for one line should be continued on the next line without using a hyphen.
  • the date of your last access in parentheses.

Example from the style manual (p. 32):

King, Gary, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 1998. "Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation." September 7. (October 22, 1998).


Author. YYYY. Title of Book. Xth ed. City, State: Publisher. URL.

Charles, Patrick J. 2018. Armed in America : A History of Gun Rights From Colonial Militias to Concealed Carry. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.,cpid&custid=s1088435&db=nlebk&AN=1500676&site=ehost-live.