Useful when you're starting out on a research project. Do simple searches to find topic introductions in a variety of subjects. The mind map tool will help you discover related ideas and terms.
Focused more on article look-ups, like a digital encyclopedia. You can read entire books in your browser, but the interface is oriented towards searching keywords and providing results from within the e-books in its collection.
Dozens of complete reference books on arts, business, education, history, law, literature, sciences, and technology, including the popular sets of Short Stories for Students, Novels for Students, Poetry for Students, and Drama for Students.
The first part is a set of 11 essays that approaches film history around the following themes: history, art, production process, sound, and modes. The second is a critical dictionary that explains concepts, summarizes debates in film studies, defines technical terms, describes major periods and movements, and discusses historical situations and the film industry.
A Primer in Theatre History covers productions, personalities, theories, innovations, and plays from ancient Greece (534 BC in Athens) to the Spanish Golden Age (1681 AD in Madrid).
Argues for the recognition of American theatre history as long, rich, diverse and critically compelling. Embracing all epochs of theatre history, from pre-colonial Native American performance rituals and the endeavours of early colonisers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, to the end of the twentieth century.
It covers the ever-changing history of the American theatre with emphasis on major movements, persons, plays, and events. This is done through a chronology, an introductory essay, an extensive bibliography, and over 1,500 cross-referenced dictionary entries.
This major study reconstructs the vast history of European drama from Greek tragedy through to twentieth-century theatre, focusing on the subject of identity. Throughout history, drama has performed and represented political, religious, national, ethnic, class-related, gendered, and individual concepts of identity. Anyone interested in theatre throughout history and today will find this an invaluable source of information.
Global Changes - Local Stages is extensive research of the possible relationships between cultural change, theatre politics and theater life in smaller European countries.
This is the first book ever published in the West on drama in the People's Republic of China. The plays, playwrights, theories, and performances range from the play that inflamed the Cultural Revolution to a post-Mao satiric drama that upset party leaders.
This book offers a chronology, introduction, bibliography, and over 400 cross-referenced dictionary entries on authors, literary and historical developments, trends, genres, and concepts that played a central role in the evolution of modern Japanese literature.
An astonishing variety of theatrical performances may be seen in the eight countries of Southeast Asia--Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.
This book acts as a forum for investigating how African theatre works and what its place is in this postmodern society. The book provides an opportunity to discover contemporary material from experts, critics and artists from across the world.
Contemporary Uganda and other East African states are connected by the experience of Idi Amin's tyranny, rapacious and murderous regime, and the latter second Uganda Peoples Congress government, that forced Ugandans to go into exile and initiate armed struggles from Kenya and Tanzania to oust his government.
American Theatre magazine is the nation’s only general-circulation magazine devoted to theater. Founded in 1984 by the pioneering arts service organization Theatre Communications Group.
A collection of links to more resources. Developed by Justin Cash, former president of Drama Victoria, the largest Drama teachers’ association in Australia