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Audio-Visual Series: Video Creation and Editing (ProDev)

Fall 2023

Asset Resources





Copyright & Creative Commons Licensing

Creative Commons
Set of licenses creators can choose to apply to their works. The creator retains copyright but has preemptively licensed it to explicitly give permission to people to reuse it under certain conditions, the most minimal of which is providing credit to the creator.
Fair Use
Part of copyright law, fair use describes conditions in which you can reuse copyrighted content without needing permission from (or payment to) the creator. Fair use favors nonfiction, nondramatic/creative, educational reuses.
Agreement as to how you can use content you've acquired. These can be more restrictive or more freeing. A license may override fair use.
Public Domain
Works in the public domain are not under any copyright and may be used and remixed by anyone. This includes historical works, works whose copyright registration lapsed (pre-1978), or works deliberately released to the public domain.
Not the same as free-free. Royalties are paid regularly to artists/IP-owners based on the amount of circulation their work gets. Royalty-free means you'll buy an asset to use, but it's a one-time payment -- you will not have to keep paying kickbacks to the artist.