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Audio-Visual Series: Video Creation and Editing (ProDev)

Fall 2023

Series Overview

This series of professional development workshops is designed to introduce employees to the principles and tools to make better videos. The Best Practices session will discuss planning and software-agnostic best practices to consider when creating any type of video. The next sessions will each introduce a specific video-creation tool: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, and TechSmith Camtasia (all available for free to LSC employees).

Finally, there will be a guided open lab with all the presenters available to support and assist you with projects!


You may attend any or all of these sessions, though the Best Practices one does apply to all.

Studies Supporting Audio-Visual Learning


Elaine M. Patton
Digital Resource Professional (Librarian)
Presenting: Best Practices, Camtasia


Katie Truax
Assoc. Professor (History)
Presenting: Best Practices, After Effects


Mike Alose
Spec. IV, Science Hotspot
Presenting: Best Practices, Premiere Pro