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Assignment | Criminology Research Paper (Professor Lover): Writing & Reading

SOCI 2336 | Prof. Lover | Summer 2024

Begin a research paper by reading relevant articles on your topic. It is in the reading that you can understand the scholarly conversation and begin writing. Build your paper on the knowledge you have gained as you read. Cite your sources, always!

See on this page the quick tutorials on using information through paraphrasing and citing the information you find.

Online Tutoring is available. However, in person tutoring is available on campus in the Writing & Reading Hotspot . Free and no appointment is necessary! Writing skill is a process. Progress over perfection! 

Access Online Tutoring: Tutor Match

Tutorial: Using Information

Tutorial: Citing Information

Remember your work in PowerNotes where the source citation was captured!

Digital Proofreader: Intelliwriter