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EduCon 2016 Presentations: Check Your Work: Formative Assessment

Supplements to presentations by librarians Elaine M. Patton & Christine Forisha.


Active learning activities are well-known tools for engaging students and guiding them through constructing knowledge, but they can also provide a feedback mechanism for the instructor beyond icebreakers and exit tickets. A thoughtfully-crafted activity during the span of the class, especially when incorporating technology for live displays, can help you spot where (or with whom) you need to reinforce a certain point while still breaking up the monotony of a lecture, aka formative assessment.

Get ideas for formative assessment activities that are:

Summative vs Formative

Summative Assessment - looks at the end result, such as tests or quizzes.

Formative Assessment - ongoing (typically small, informal, and frequent) assessments that can be used to adapt the lesson based on where the students are observed to be in understanding.

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Online Resources

Honestly, there are lots of options out there!

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