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EduCon 2016 Presentations: References

Supplements to presentations by librarians Elaine M. Patton & Christine Forisha.


ACRL Board. (2015). Framework for information literacy for higher education. Association of College & Research Libraries. Retrieved from


Bordt, R. L. (2005). Using a research article to facilitate a deep structure understanding of discrimination. Teaching Sociology, 33, 403-410. [Available through JSTOR]


Cook, D. B. (2014). Of databases and deep structure. Rule Number One: A Library Blog. Retrieved from


Howie, P., & Bagnall, R. (2013). A critique of the deep and surface approaches to learning model. Teaching in Higher Education, 18(4), 389-400. [Available through EBSCO Professional Development Collection]


Klippel, K. M. (2013). Getting comfortable with library instruction, part II: The psychology of learning. Rule Number One: A Library Blog. Retrieved from


Lockwood, G., & Konopka, A. (n.d.) What is the difference between surface and deep layer in language?. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. Retrieved from


Millis, B. J. (2014). Using cooperative structures to promote deep learning. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 25(3&4), 139-148. [Available via ERIC]


Rhem, J. (1995). Close-up: Going deep. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 5(1), 4. [Not available through LSCS databases]


Roberts,K. A. (2002). Ironies of effective teaching: Deep structure learning and constructions of the classroom. Teaching Sociology, 30(1), 1-25. [Available through JSTOR]



Rusche, S. N., & Jason, K. (2011). “You have to absorb yourself in it”: Using inquiry and reflection to promote student learning and self-knowledge. Teaching Sociology, 39(4): 338-353. [Available through JSTOR]

Smith, T. W., & Colby, S. A. (2007). Teaching for deep learning. The Clearing House, 80(5), 205-210. [Available through ERIC]