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A guide to history resources in support of the classes at LSC-University Park.

You Are HereThis guide is organized both by topic as well as by type of information source. Use the navigation options to the left, or keep reading to get explanations of each page's content. This home page also includes links to departmental pages and background info for this subject.

Overviews & Starting Points

This page provides links for introductory and background-level info.

Primary Sources

This link will take you to our standalone guide full of links to primary sources online.

Secondary (Scholarly) Sources

Where to find peer-reviewed research through the library databases.

Course Guides

Find more topical links to supplement the rest of the guide based on course, organized by period.

E-Books & Books

Sampling of topical books from our collection.

Online Sources

Find online topic overviews and other media sources like podcasts. (Includes historical statistics resources.)


Connect with information about what to do with a history major.


See examples of Chicago citations for history and connect with citation guides.

Campus Links


