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Library 'Stuff' for D2L

Stuff and things! (Links, handouts, workshops, etc) that faculty can add to D2L! Or wherever else you can put stuff.

LOR: Learning Object Repository

What is the Learning Object Repository (LOR)?

If you're copying content from one of your own courses to another, you have access to your own shell, of course, and if a colleague wants to borrow content, you could add them to your section so they can copy, as well. But what about when you're a library without your own section, and also you don't want everyone ever having to add you just to share content around? Asking for a friend. :P

The LOR provides a way to share content across sections and users/instructors (as well as a bunch of OER/open access stuff, too). You can also upload content flagged to not show in search results if you want content to be just for you.

Quick (under 2 minute) demonstration of adding a LOR (Learning Object Repository) object to a D2L module.

Available LOR Objects

  • Ask the UP Library - all our contact info (including FAQ search) in one spot, plus info on getting library barcode/student ID card
  • SLRC Events & Workshops - events calendar for the SLRC
  • MLA - links to key plagiarism and MLA pages; quick list of basic facts; common examples
  • APA - links to key plagiarism and APA pages; quick list of basic facts; common examples
  • CMOS/Chicago - links to key plagiarism and CMOS pages; quick list of basic facts; common examples


Preview of the "ask the UP library" LOR object: provides contact options to email, text, chat, submit a form, search the public FAQ, make an appointment, and our hours.

Click to view larger preview.

Ask the UP Library

To add to your class, pick a module where you want it to appear, then click:

  1. New
  2. Add Object from LOR
  3. Search for "UP Library"
  4. Click through the remaining screens to finish adding.

This item includes hours, all available forms of contact including a live, functioning chat button, appointment request button, and searchable FAQ.

It is dynamically linked back to a box in a private UPresearch page, so you'll never have to do anything to update this. Add it, and you're done! If we need to make any changes, they'll automatically be reflected in your copy.

Screenshot in D2L showing August 2020 with various workshops on the calendar

Click to view larger preview

SLRC Workshops & Events Calendar

To add to your class, pick a module where you want it to appear, then click:

  1. New
  2. Add Object from LOR
  3. Search for "SLRC Workshops"
  4. Click through the remaining screens to finish adding.

This will display a calendar grid showing all our upcoming workshops and events for students to browse through. They can click an event to learn more or register to attend.

MLA resources preview
MLA Resources from the UP Library

To add to your class, pick a module where you want it to appear, then click:

  1. New
  2. Add Object from LOR
  3. Search for lscuplibrary
  4. Pick out "MLA Resources from the UP Library" from the list.
  5. Click through the remaining screens to finish adding.

This will display: a carousel of links to the plagiarism guide, direct download link for the standard template, online guide, and workshops for that style (live and on-demand). Followed by a bare bones list of basic info to know about the style, and then a box of citation examples for common sources, with a tab for universal rules.

APA resources preview
APA Resources from the UP Library

To add to your class, pick a module where you want it to appear, then click:

  1. New
  2. Add Object from LOR
  3. Search for lscuplibrary
  4. Pick out "APA Resources from the UP Library" from the list.
  5. Click through the remaining screens to finish adding.

This will display: a carousel of links to the plagiarism guide, direct download link for the standard templates, online guide, and workshops for that style (live and on-demand). Followed by a bare bones list of basic info to know about the style, and then a box of citation examples for common sources, with a tab for universal rules.

CMOS preview
CMOS Resources from the UP Library

To add to your class, pick a module where you want it to appear, then click:

  1. New
  2. Add Object from LOR
  3. Search for lscuplibrary
  4. Pick out "Chicago Style (CMOS) Resources from the UP Library" from the list.
  5. Click through the remaining screens to finish adding.

This will display: a carousel of links to the plagiarism guide, direct download link for the standard template, online guide, and workshops for that style (live and on-demand). Followed by a bare bones list of basic info to know about the style, and then a box of citation examples for common sources, with a tab for universal rules.

Auto LibGuide


LTI page shown in situ in D2L: guide and database links are followed by the appointment widget and then an FAQ. Hours are in the right column.

Click to view larger preview.

Automatically Add a LibGuide (Beta*)

This is a quick alternative to manually linking to a guide; what appears should* automatically match your class metadata. If you have an assignment guide specific to your class, you can just create a link to it. This is more useful if you haven't really worked with us but still want to start pointing your students to library resources.

Pick a module where you want it to appear, then click: Add Existing Activities > Third-party integrations > LibGuides - University Park.

There are 3 possible pages that can appear:

  1. The generic subject guide (auto matches metadata from your class against the metadata assigned to our guides)
    1. Want an assignment-specific guide? Talk to us!
  2. The generic guide of "Resources for Online & Distance Students.*
  3. LTI placeholder page, which collects links for the subject guide, some databases, and some other library info.

*We're still testing this to get predictable behavior! Because it reflects what class it appears in, it's hard for us to test or troubleshoot unless we're in your class. Talk to Elaine about this.