To assist you in understanding and interpreting Gatsby and its lead characters:
When you're trying to figure out what to search with, keep in mind that although the state of the American dream actually is an explicit topic of research and polling, that's not the only search term to try! What are aspects of the American dream (or obstacles to it) that you could search for?
For example,
Click on "Choose Databases."
Select any and all databases that are appropriate for your search.
Proceed to create your search, or switch to the Advanced Search mode, like normal.
Access online library materials through the library databases!
To access the databases from off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your LSC email/password or your 14-digit library barcode.
If you want to skip around:
0:40 Pre-Research & Topic Development Recap
2:20 Creating Search Terms
3:27 Databases intro
4:05 AND/OR/NOT, parentheses
7:19 Database demonstration in Academic Search Complete
11:20 Wildcards
12:28 Quotation Marks
13:49 Proximity
15:33 Recap
15:59 All database work basically the same using these principles
17:29 Ask us about your specific research problem!