For this year, we had asked for a few new databases and renewals of some existing resources. Unfortunately, for reasons beyond our control, not all of these have been approved/processed still, and we do not have an ETA of if/when they will be added. The impacted databases are:

  • The New York Times (renewal)
  • Oxford Music (renewal)
  • New Play Exchange (new)

To reflect the lack of current contracts, we have removed the links to the New York Times and Oxford Music from our A-Z list and from the libraries' main databases pages. NYT articles may be accessed via US Major Dailies in a database-search interface (instead of the website-browse version the subscription access allowed us).

US Major Dailies provides access to The New York Times, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, and the Chicago Tribune. The content is available by 8 a.m. each day and provides archives stretching as far back as 1985.
When we have more news, we will be happy to share it here!