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Assignment | Rogerian Argument (Reeves): Search the Library Collections

ENGL 1302 | Prof. Brian Reeves (Spring 2025)

Search the Library Collections

Search (Almost) EVERYTHING

That big search box will find paper books, e-books, online news articles, journal articles, and more -- almost the entirety of the library collection!

That can be a little overwhelming, though.

If you find that you just can't get your search results limited enough...

... or you know you really just want an e-book, or an overview of your topic, without jumping through hoops...

... try searching just one library database at a time with the suggestions below.

Research Starters

These collections will give you topic overviews, histories, and viewpoint articles to help you explore the opposition!


No, you're not reading these cover-to-cover. Use the hyperlinked Tables of Contents and "search inside" features to jump to the most relevant parts.

Journal Articles

This box is a little tricky (for your librarian, I mean) because the topics are so varied. I'm pulling out some favorites here, but you can explore more in the A-Z List, which has filters for subjects and content types to help you find more.

Governments are made up of people, so the Society & People tab is also useful for topics like hate speech, racial profiling, etc.

News Articles

If you can't get around paywalls locating this type of source through Google, pop into these databases.

Accessing the Databases

Access online library materials through the library databases!

To access the databases locked icon (same icon that displays by the LSC-limited access resources) from off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your LSC email/password or your 14-digit library barcode.