Publisher |
- University press, non-profit scholarly society or for-profit publishing house
- Professional associations, trade organizations or specialty publishers.
Publication Acceptance |
- Writers are scholars or qualified researchers
- Scholars of equal standing (peers) or other qualified experts review each article submission before publication acceptance.
- Peers or jury may be outside experts or an editorial review board. Peer reviews are often "blind" - to ensure fairness, the authors names are hidden from the peer reviewers.
- Writers often work for the magazine.
- Acceptance based on timeliness and/or commercial appeal.
- Editor or editorial staff decide what goes into each issue, but the publisher has final say.
- Articles are usually reviewed by the publication's editorial staff for mistakes in grammar and spelling but some trade publications do have a version of the peer review process.
Purpose & Aims of the Publication |
- To disseminate knowledge in a particular field or discipline.
- Present original research, reports statistics.
- In-depth analysis of topics.
- Reviews of current literature in the field / notable books, publications, translations.
- Aim for objectivity & balanced representation of issues.
- Generally for-profit / profit driven.
- To entertain or provide general or niche-market information & news.
- Feature stories, interviews, reporting.
- Generate ad revenue - sell products or services.
- May be biased towards a particular point of view, but generally tries to appeal to as wide an audience as possible.
- Focused on a particular industry (i.e. heavy equipment rentals industry, the hospitality industry) or a professional trade (nurse practitioners, human resource managers, etc.)
Content |
- Generally lengthy articles accompanied with bibliographies.
- Authors(s) set out to prove or disprove a thesis.
- Language is formal and technical; discipline specific and assumes a certain level of knowledge on the part of the reader.
- Book reviews / motion picture / exhibition reviews are lengthy and may rival feature articles in richness of content and commentary. (Some scholarly periodicals do nothing but review other scholarly publications)
- Content varies - Generally newsy and/or entertaining.
- Article length varies, but will be much shorter than an article in a scholarly publication. Feature or cover articles or stories are interspersed with regular features or sections.
- Book reviews / motion picture reviews / exhibition reviews. Reviews are much shorter then reviews found in scholarly journals; Reviews are geared towards the potential consumer.
- Language is is casual, conversational or anecdotal. Reading level & vocabulary is typically kept at or below 12th-grade level.
- Coverage of current industry news, developing trends, corporate news (buy-outs, mergers, expansions, etc.)
- Although the articles found in many can be quite well-researched and substantive, these periodicals are geared towards those working in their industry - not necessarily scholars or academics studying that industry.
- Information may be the result of experience in the field as opposed to research data.
- Articles are sometimes published without an author's name attached.
Sources & Documentation |
- Extensive documentation - sources are cited.
- Bibliographies, Endnotes and/or Footnotes are provided.
- Always a statement of responsibility - articles are signed.
- Usually does not include documentation or citations of sources.
- Articles or content features may or may not be signed.
- Sources are not always formally cited, but may be included in a brief bibliography at the end of an article.
Look & Feel / Illustrations, Advertising, etc. |
- Generally a sober & serious look - plain fonts, lots of text, un-fancy layouts, more substance than style.
- Few (if any) ads - advertising is rare.
- Illustrations: Sometimes none, sometimes illustrated with maps, charts, graphs.
- Look for charts and graphs in journals presenting research data; Social science journal articles may have maps, charts or other illustrations to provide context.
- Art / photography / media journals are the most heavily illustrated scholarly journals, providing glossy photos and high-quality color illustrations, but generally scholarly journals are less illustrated & visually-oriented than popular or substantive publications.
- Lots of advertising - generally heavily commerical. Ads are colorful and striking.
- "Glossy" - very graphic - lots of photos & illustrations.
- Limited commercial advertising for general audience, but does contain advertisements targeting others in the same field.
- Charts and graphs may be included to support article content.
Who's the Audience? |
- Target audience is usually discipline focused / specialized.
- Scholars, univeristy faculty and students; specialists / professionals.
- General public or special interest or niche-market.
- Practicing professionals in a particular industry or related industries.