One by request and the other because, well, we were already requesting the one so why not? The trials run through Oct. 8, 2021. Please be sure to submit feedback -- yay, nay, or meh.
Explores debates and conflicts in US and world history, as seen by key players or as interpreted by historians. Balanced articles provide pro and con arguments on hundreds of controversies, and each article is centered on original documents (primary sources). Click More... for access details.
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Every country of the world is profiled, covering all aspects of each nation’s geography, history, society, and culture. At-a-glance information, maps and flags, videos, images, audio recordings, gazetteer entries, biographies of famous people, a timeline, and current news supplement each country profile. Information for the U.S. states, Canadian provinces, and international territories is similarly detailed. Click More... for access details.
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