The online MLA guide has been switched over to the 9th edition! No need to update any bookmarks or D2L links -- it's still at We also have a copy of the handbook on reserve at the front desk if you'd like to peruse.

What Stayed the Same: The Vast Majority

  • Document format - heading, spacing, etc.
  • Same basic principle with the universal checklist of elements for building citations. Some small changes to labeling ("optional" elements > "supplemental"; "other contributors" > "contributors").

Mostly this edition focused on refining the 8th edition handbook rather than sweeping changes. MLA added much-requested guidance and explanations about writing style in particular as well as citations. The 9th handbook is over twice as long as the 8th, with more visuals, as a result.


What Changed:

  • EBSCOhost and ProQuest are to be treated as secondary containers for database citations, as opposed to the (actual) database names like Academic Search Complete.
  • E-books will say "e-book ed." for version, in addition to any editions, etc.
  • URLs may include the https:// rather than strictly omitting it, depending on whether you want live, clickable links or not.  In our guide, we have stuck with omitting it. However, we recommend specifying in your assignments whether you want live (i.e. clickable, blue, underlined) links or not (or links that are clickable but don't look like it). As ever, the most important thing is internal consistency.


What Was Added:

  • 1 page about annotated bibliographies. Not worth mentioning -- design your assignment as you see fit with regards to these.
  • New chapter on using inclusive language.